Premature Ejaculation Solutions Help
"Premature Ejaculation Solutions Help" is a content site that provides solutions to any man that experiences premature ejaculation problems, helping them to improve their sexual performance and erection quality.
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Pure Acai Berry
One thing I am not sure I care for is the fact that the "Pure Acai Berry" has so many other ingrediants: 300% DV of B6, 600% DV of B12, "Organic Acai Berry" 200mg, green tea leaf extract 200mg, ginger root 200mg, rhubarb root 200mg. I am also testing "Acai Berry Surpreme" in pill form. I originally got upset about the trial offer of this pill as they automatically enroll you in a program to receive a monthly supply and bill your credit card that you used for the shipping of the trial bottle, however I spoke will the company who assured me I could cancel the autoship after I received it. I also outright bought Dr. Tim's Brazilian Acai Juice. It's a 32 oz bottle and 1 serving (1 oz) = 5 servings of fruit. It has no ridiculous additives or fillers, not even sugar or artificial sweetners. It has a higher concentration of Acai than other brands, look here for an example: .
I do really feel that the green tea and the Sensa has packed a powerful punch curbing my appetite. I probably do not need Acai Berry for that purpose at all, but the health benefits of it is too much to ignore. Anything that reduces your risk of diseases and other health problems is high on my list. Anyone have any expeirence with it?
Saturday, 29 October 2011
Bo Diddley: "Pills" (Checker)

Anyway, over a joyously chunky guitar riff, Bo tells the story of the time he's layin' in a hospital bed and "a rock 'n' roll nurse went to my head." She gave him online pharmacy viagra for his toes, "but they didn't ache," and pills for just about everything. It gets to the point where Bo gets tired of all this jive, taking "this junk against my will." He calls out to the doctor, but the doctor goes to his head, too.
Poor guy.
This seems to be almost more of a novelty record than anything. As I said, it's not quite top-notch Bo Diddley, but it's cool and fun all the same. The year for this is 1961 and that's about all I have to say about it.
Tuesday, 3 May 2011
Lust and Love Nasal Spray
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What happened about political viagra given to congress by the public in recently concluded genral election?

Now it is time for congress to perform after having taken “POLITICAL VIAGRA” from the public. What congress is doing with Aam Admi agenda, multifaceted reforms. Have all these gone into cold storage.
Your question is insignificant and hopeless to answer...*spits on your question*...So no explanations to barking dogs required!!
UPA/congress has started to suffer from electoraldysfunctioning.
You notice the way you say political cheap cialis makes it sound like some sort of rehearsed drama production? Especially the multifaceted reforms. Hell, i could almost say that things plaid out in a fairly obvious and conspicuous fashion.
ShhhhhhhhThey r busy in collecting black money from Swiss banks within 6 months. Pl. don't disturb them. They r going to change the country's situation within 100 days. Viagra is working. Side effects? Wait for 100 days.
Political viagra.. :-0 Look, as far as my understanding of congress goes, they lack the will and determination to stand for whats right. I wouldnt want to go into specifics because they are plenty. However much you blame bjp, i believe you'd still acknowledge that what bjp did in 5 years, congress could not do in 50 years. The equation was pretty simple.. Honesty, will and determination. Congress lacked that so it sucked, bjp had that so it struck a jackpot.
will produce more vote bank (muslims)
political Viagra. he he he he...........premature joculation.
I dont know what happens when you give Viagra to a 125 years old grand old man who is on artificial respiration. Something very embarrasing I think. A political party dies when its ideologies die. Congress has gone into coma with the death of Sardar Patel.
You are expecting things to be happened much faster. Friend, it's India! Every process is slow here(except corruption). So be patient, let them pass the budget first.
No use flogging a dead horse.
When you last too long ( After taking Viagra ) either you have the stamina or you dont have the stuff!!!!!
Your words sounds very mischievous still I would answer. Have you seen Delhi Budget, have you see the new cabinet, have you seen the interest cuts by announcements by various banks, have you seen sea link project in Mumbai and this is the beginning of the second term, there is much more to come. Yes, some is right, what NDA did in 5 years, Congress and UPA cannot do in 500 years, and rather I should say they should never do that. The way country was messed up and the way country was unsecured from from all the directions Congress can never afford that. Congress can never afford to allow its state government to genocide thousands of its citizens, congress cannot let thousands of terrorists to capture Indian soil, congress cannot afford terrorist to attack Indian parliament, congress cannot send it external affairs minister to escort terrorists to set them free and yet take no action against terrorism and go and hug Nawaz Sheriff and invite Parvez Musharraf to India and hug him. NO CONGRESS CAN NOT COMPETE WITH BJP. YOU ARE RIGHT.
Shady Point